Sunday, August 30, 2009


I never really appreciated this is so common in our history text book,that sometimes,this photo indicates headache....argh....
but,i started to think that this photo somehow,means a lot....
it's independence day,and i start searching photos for my blog for merdeka day...than i saw this very familiar photo....
in front of those british white guys,in front of thousands and thousands of people and eyes,there in the middle stood a man with this very malayisch baju melayu,the songkok,the keris,placed at his tummy,he raised his hand...indicating the end of the colonisation of the great britain...
somehow....we didn't see chinese and indian...although this independent is attain by the cooperation of all ethnics in malaysia...
maybe this is the beginning,of all the races problem in malaysia...racism is very common in all the corner of earth.but when it comes to malaysia,the issue is different...because in malaysia,different races,are consider as one,and different races,are all the people,the citizens,of malaysia.we don't find this in other country.we can be permanant residents in the other country,we can change nationality,but we can never,ever truly be the very people of the country,the land,if you never born,lived in the land...
Somehow....i just think that none of us deserve previlage...
the idea of socialism just pop into my head,as under the socialism idea of politics,the society will be a lot lot more fair.and,less crime,as people are not allow to have their own asset.there will be no fightings,no quarreling,no hatred and greed...only pure existence.and,isn't that kind of life is the idealism life,obeying every teaching of religion,and no more differences...somehow,communism spoilt the whole idea of socialism...damn those communist.if weren't their approach are too brutal and cruel,socialism proof to be a nice idea and thinking...

It's independence day!!!

So Happy!!!


Malaysia had endured a thunderous year...

and all had not yet end...

Malaysia had to endured more global crisis..

and all had just begun...

it is truly be able to celebrate,at a stage like this...

the celebration,will do nothing good to the current stage.

but at least it gives us a break,and let us put down every differences,at have a good look on malaysia,and tell each other,"malaysia boleh!",right?

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